"The irony of the title echoes throughout the fourteen intricately textured collages and soundscapes that patiently unfold. Aptly characterized as “the antithesis of the immediate social media driven world”, there is a restless undercurrent to the music, but only just enough to create a satisfying tension against its refusal to be hurried. Holroyd gives ample space in his shape-shifting compositions for elements of piano, strings, percussion, and horns to inject narrative thrust to the proceedings. There is nothing mindless about Holroyd’s Football Chants & Nursery Rhymes. It can’t be pinned down and won’t be rushed but lend your ears to it and it will pull you into its vortex and keep your attention.."
"It’s the sound of the emotion on the other side and the track’s ability to move me in return, thus the artist’s talent to convey a feeling.
"Football Chants and Nursery Rhymes is to be sampled and savoured, this album is excellent"