

It’s always interesting hearing what other artists hear in my music. I have been fortunate to have some of my work remixed by some great DJs and producers including Fourtet, Coldcut, Joe Claussell, Extrawelt, Mogwai, Nitin Sawhney, Synkro, The Album Leaf, T. Williams, CASSIMM, Steve Roach, Luca Bacchetti, TJ Rehmi and others.


I have DJ’d at various events including The Big Chill, Whirl-Y-Gig, Cargo and Anthropos Festival. I have also staged immersive sound and light shows at the UKs largest Planetarium in Winchester and The Fiske Planetarium in Boulder Colorado.


I was very pleased to write for a multi award winning cinema documentary called ‘Living In The Future’s Past’. The film was produced and narrated by Jeff Bridges and explores the environmental challenges the world faces, and why humanity finds it so difficult to do what is ultimately required. 


My music has been used many film and tv shows including The Sopranos, True Blood, The Dark Knight, The Centre of the World, Lost, Breath of Life, Five Voices, Coast, Death Race Inferno, Ace Ventura Pet Detective, Rectify, Panorama and many others.


I have written, and continue to write for various production music libraries including BBC, Chappell, Bruton, Atmosphere, Universal, Zone, Boost, Grey Man, DNA Musik, Lightsong and 7Styles. 


My 2018 album ‘The Cage’ was used as the soundtrack to a ground breaking architectural exhibition at the 2018 Venice Biennale.

I was very pleased to be asked to write some new pieces of music using traditional songs of the Sans People of the Kalahari. The project was to highlight the plight of these ancient people and their culture, and it was an honour to actually meet and work with some of the Kalahari Bushmen and play them these new mixes.

I was granted permission to record the Islamic Call To Prayer at the Regent’s Park Mosque in London, and was very fortunate to work with Yusuf Islam who sang the holy prayer.

My 2011 album ‘Afterglow’ was made album of the month by Bowers and Wilkins ‘Society of Sound’.

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